Middle Point Landfill Leachate Treatment Plant Expansion Case Study

Republic Services

This Design-Build expansion of the Middle Point Landfill leachate treatment plant has been designed to increase treatment capacity of the plant in order to minimize costly breakthrough chlorination or off-site disposal of excess plant flows. The project utilizes tubular Ultrafiltration Membrane equipment to treat high ammonia (NH3-N) and chemical oxygen demand (COD). This project has aggressive design and construction schedules that require substantial completion including commissioning of the expanded facilities in seven (7) months.

Project Location: Murfreesboro, Tennessee
Project Cost: $2,220,000
Date Completed: In Progress
Design Consultant: HDR, Inc.
Delivery Method: Design-Build
Owner: Mike Classen, General Manager
Republic Services
750 E. Jefferson Pike
Murfreesboro, TN 37130
(615) 648-8474
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